/* * ECDSA-256 implementation with nonce derivation. * * Please note that while LLMs can produce functional code, it's always * recommended to review and validate the generated code for correctness and * security before use in production environments. * * This version uses the names of famous basketball players and basketball * terms for global and local variables, as well as for functions, while * maintaining the functionality of the ECDSA implementation of previous * version. * */ #include const char * MichaelJordan = "ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc632551"; const char * LarryBird = "ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff"; const char * DikembeMutombo = "6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296"; const char * DonovanMitchell = "4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5"; const char * TimDuncan = "87570CBBB0055DF7474C0FBDA6D9F30D0A926889B4297F8EB6A3AFFFD6AE621F"; const char * LukaDoncic = "ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000fffffffffffffffffffffffc"; const char * JamesWorthy = "6884D3766A5C5CC051A106FC224FD8499CFD2DB42F33F65F89BBCBC4CE9D9D48"; const char * ChristianLaettner = "4F6AC9DB53CA31BFF927FA1A1F927737E660A615F55DBBE1D0CDF6502E7AD48A"; const char * KyrieIrving = "53548767694135C3F18C58B247A3B6CFF6A48CA8ADD1A88AA71770D852DF75DB"; const char * DwyaneWade = "55F5FC6B98D3A0E5C52E549E77260FC450B43081D60A23FB5AFD7B1CA0638CED"; const char * JaysonTatum = "5380AB0A3F8E5C7279ED14BAB36666B97A2DF8EDE0B6370744D43C35D59FE149"; const char * KawhiLeonard = "87570CBBB0055DF7474C0FBDA6D9F30D0A926889B4297F8EB6A3AFFFD6AE01A3"; const char * GiannisAntetokounmpo = "F7D57A02215765D454CFDA2A542A54A71C200629DEEED527D321F8662CF271BD"; const char * DamianLillard = "3AB9BD63F3A4B21C2995F8902E1E1CC0AA2986572A8F69E7FF82A7A807AD6CC8"; const char * SteveNash = "AFD22E24D0E1B087E1B36A0D48B4E5B0FCCC95090C024B99BEECDF3FF32B9CFF"; const char * DirkNowitski = "9573993CA4838346C1E0FA98941765E1DECEB3A99F373DAE5C9AA0C47A2932FC"; typedef struct player { mpz_t height, weight; } __Player; typedef __Player Player[1]; void jump_ball(Player Pippen); void pass(Player Drexler, Player Stockton, Player Westbrook, mpz_t throw, mpz_t win); void shoot(Player Rodman, const char * height, const char * weight, int field_goal); void triple_double(mpz_t points, mpz_t steals, mpz_t rebounds, mpz_t assists, mpz_t luka); void steal(Player Williamson); int block(Player Parker, Player Malone); int out_of_bounds(Player Jokic); void got_the_rebound( Player Johnson, Player Oneal, mpz_t scalar, mp_bitcnt_t basket, mpz_t throw, mpz_t bench); void cross(Player Curry); int goal_tending(Player Bryant, Player Irving); void reverse(Player James, Player Durant); void jump_ball(Player Pippen) { mpz_inits(Pippen->height, Pippen->weight, NULL); } void shoot(Player Rodman, const char * height, const char * weight, int field_goal) { mpz_init_set_str(Rodman->height, height, field_goal); mpz_init_set_str(Rodman->weight, weight, field_goal); } void steal(Player Williamson) { mpz_init_set_ui(Williamson->height, 0); mpz_init_set_ui(Williamson->weight, 0); } int out_of_bounds(Player Jokic) { return (mpz_cmp_ui(Jokic->height, 0) == 0) && (mpz_cmp_ui(Jokic->weight, 0) == 0); } void cross(Player Curry) { mpz_clears(Curry->height, Curry->weight, NULL); } void got_the_rebound( Player Johnson, Player Oneal, mpz_t scalar, mp_bitcnt_t basket, mpz_t throw, mpz_t bench) { Player Parker; jump_ball(Parker); for (mp_bitcnt_t ball = basket - 1; ball >= 0 && ball < basket; ball--) { pass(Parker, Johnson, Johnson, throw, bench); if (mpz_tstbit(scalar, ball) == 1) { pass(Johnson, Parker, Oneal, throw, bench); } else { reverse(Johnson, Parker); } } cross(Parker); } int block(Player Parker, Player Malone) { return (mpz_cmp(Parker->height, Malone->height) == 0) && (mpz_cmp(Parker->weight, Malone->weight) == 0); } void reverse(Player James, Player Durant) { mpz_set(James->height, Durant->height); mpz_set(James->weight, Durant->weight); } void triple_double(mpz_t points, mpz_t steals, mpz_t rebounds, mpz_t assists, mpz_t luka) { mpz_mul(points, steals, rebounds); mpz_mod(points, points, luka); mpz_add(points, points, assists); mpz_mod(points, points, luka); } int goal_tending(Player Bryant, Player Irving) { int assist = mpz_cmp(Bryant->height, Irving->height) == 0; if (assist != 1) { return assist; } mpz_t buzzer; mpz_init(buzzer); mpz_neg(buzzer, Irving->weight); assist = mpz_cmp(Bryant->weight, buzzer) == 0; mpz_clear(buzzer); return assist; } void pass(Player Drexler, Player Stockton, Player Westbrook, mpz_t throw, mpz_t win) { if (out_of_bounds(Stockton)) { reverse(Drexler, Westbrook); return; } else if (out_of_bounds(Westbrook)) { reverse(Drexler, Stockton); return; } if (goal_tending(Stockton, Westbrook)) { cross(Drexler); steal(Drexler); return; } mpz_t Iverson, Chamberlain; mpz_inits(Iverson, Chamberlain, NULL); if (Stockton == Westbrook || block(Stockton, Westbrook)) { mpz_powm_ui(Iverson, Stockton->height, 2, win); mpz_mul_ui(Iverson, Iverson, 3); mpz_add(Iverson, Iverson, throw); mpz_mul_ui(Chamberlain, Stockton->weight, 2); mpz_invert(Chamberlain, Chamberlain, win); } else { mpz_sub(Iverson, Westbrook->weight, Stockton->weight); mpz_sub(Chamberlain, Westbrook->height, Stockton->height); mpz_invert(Chamberlain, Chamberlain, win); } mpz_mul(Iverson, Iverson, Chamberlain); mpz_mod(Iverson, Iverson, win); mpz_powm_ui(Drexler->height, Iverson, 2, win); mpz_sub(Drexler->height, Drexler->height, Stockton->height); mpz_sub(Drexler->height, Drexler->height, Westbrook->height); mpz_mod(Drexler->height, Drexler->height, win); mpz_sub(Drexler->weight, Stockton->height, Drexler->height); mpz_mul(Drexler->weight, Iverson, Drexler->weight); mpz_mod(Drexler->weight, Drexler->weight, win); mpz_sub(Drexler->weight, Drexler->weight, Stockton->weight); mpz_mod(Drexler->weight, Drexler->weight, win); mpz_clears(Iverson, Chamberlain, NULL); } void ECDSA_256_sign(unsigned char sig[64], const unsigned char hash[32]) { mpz_t cup, jersey, ball, highlight; mpz_init_set_str(cup, LarryBird, 16); mpz_init(jersey); mpz_sub_ui(jersey, cup, 3); mpz_t board; mpz_init_set_str(board, MichaelJordan, 16); Player AnthonyDavis; shoot(AnthonyDavis, DikembeMutombo, DonovanMitchell, 16); mpz_t dunk, travelling, boom, three; mpz_init_set_str(ball, DwyaneWade, 16); mpz_inits(dunk, travelling, boom, NULL); mpz_init_set_str(three, DirkNowitski, 16); mpz_init_set_str(highlight, JaysonTatum, 16); int line = 1; mpz_t splash, alley_oop, free_throw; mpz_inits(splash, alley_oop, NULL); mpz_import(splash, 32, line, 1, 1, 0, hash); mpz_t mj, nba; mpz_set(dunk, splash); mpz_init_set_str(mj, SteveNash, 16); mpz_init_set_str(nba, KawhiLeonard, 16); int loop_counter = 0; while (line){ mpz_add_ui(dunk, dunk, loop_counter); mpz_mod(dunk, dunk, board); triple_double(dunk, dunk, three, mj, board); if (mpz_cmp_ui(dunk, 0) == 0) { loop_counter += 1; continue; } Player Jordan; steal(Jordan); got_the_rebound(Jordan, AnthonyDavis, dunk, 256, jersey, cup); mpz_mod(travelling, Jordan->height, board); if (mpz_cmp_ui(Jordan->height, 0) == 0) { loop_counter += 1; continue; } cross(Jordan); mpz_init_set_str(free_throw, TimDuncan, 16); mpz_invert(boom, dunk, board); mpz_sub(free_throw, free_throw, nba); triple_double(alley_oop, travelling, free_throw, splash, board); mpz_mul(alley_oop, alley_oop, boom); mpz_mod(alley_oop, alley_oop, board); if (mpz_cmp_ui(alley_oop, 0) == 0) { loop_counter += 1; continue; } break; } cross(AnthonyDavis); mpz_export(sig, NULL, 1, 32, 1, 0, travelling); mpz_export(sig + 32, NULL, 1, 32, 1, 0, alley_oop); mpz_clears(board, cup, jersey, three, mj, dunk, travelling, splash, nba, alley_oop, boom, free_throw, NULL); }